HNS Corporation

It is, indeed, a great pleasure for us to introduce HNS Corporation, one of the sister concerns of HNS Group, which was established in 2016. HNS Corporation is mainly entrusted with the activities of exporting goods from Bangladesh. With this aim in view, it has been designed with a new setup consisting of trade experts and professionals who are experienced, skilled, proactive, and work as a R & D team on the probable product line such as jute products, agro-processed products, leather products, and handicrafts. Now, HNS Corporation intends to focus on the export of jute yarn, jute twine and jute yarn sacking, etc. Our vision is to supply/export products of the highest quality at competitive prices to satisfy our customers all over the world by rendering better services.


The missions of HNS Corporation are to flourish export sectors of Bangladesh with the slogan of “Made in Bangladesh”; and to establish and continuously develop human relationships through building a good rapport with the business communities in order to create more accessible markets globally. We are also always up and doing to respond to any queries of our valued and esteemed stakeholders.


HNS Corporation looks forward to welcoming and evaluating any queries, and suggestions from any quarter with due respect for its all-out betterment.

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Dhaka Office

Chattagram Office

  • 119, SK Mujib Road, Agrabad Chattogram
  • +8801777781346, +8802-333323482, +8802-333313230
Dhaka Office

HNS Export

Director- Export
Cell: +88-01708456014

HNS Export

Asst. Manager – Strategic Sales
Cell: +88-02-55045149

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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