HNS Automobiles

Bangladesh is a developing country with a population of 160 million and has been growing steadily with 6 to 7% GDP growth for the last ten years. Due to this mounting population and economical enlargement, demands for quality automobiles and public transportation services have increased manifold. During the last 44 years, Bangladesh has not progressed as per its potential due to political instability and distresses. Even after that, the economy is moving fast due to an emerging strong middle-class and hardworking entrepreneurs who are investing and taking risks, hoping to make Bangladesh a developed country.
Automobiles and development are two sides of the same coin. The way our country is developing, roads, communication, and infrastructure are yet to evolve. But the demand and necessity of the automobiles sector has been increasing tremendously. Right now the growth of the automobiles market has gone up 30% annually, while HNS holds around 17% of the total market share by importing cars from Japan. Though all major car brands are in our country, Toyota is still dominating the market with around 90% of the market share. Our trusted partner is ACT Co., Ltd. who is one of the oldest and leading exporters of used and new Japanese vehicles based in Tokyo since 1978, having a motto “COMPETITIVE PRICES AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION”. ACT Co. Ltd. are members of all the auctions (USS, JAA, TAA, HAA, CAA, JU, NAA, Arai, Auc-Net, I-Auc etc.) and each vehicle is personally inspected before purchasing and then transported to their Holding Yard which can accommodate 400 cars. All vehicles are groomed, polished and steam cleaned and all running parts and electrics are thoroughly checked by their workshop before shipment. In short, ACT Co. Ltd. has almost thirty years of experience, which ensures the fulfillment of all our customer’s needs.
HNS has two sales centers, one in the capital city Dhaka and another in the port city Chittagong. Both of them are located in the most important commercial centers and managed by a team of smart, efficient and qualified work force. The brand and range of vehicles we deal in are mostly Toyota which is the choice of the majority of users and the most popular in this country. We also deal in other reputed brands like Mazda, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, and others. HNS imports cars, wagons, SUVs, pick-ups, trucks, and construction & earth moving vehicles as well as special vehicles. The annual import volume in terms of quantity is over 1,700 vehicles of different models and is rapidly increasing every year.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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