Passenger Boarding Bridges

Passenger Boarding Bridges

ShinMaywa Passenger boarding bridges are known as “PAXWAY®”.
PAXWAY®,an excellence recognized through the world. In Southeast Asia, PAXWAY® boasts the top share. The company has gone from equipping their first aircraft at Tokyo International Airport (now Heneda Airport) in 1969, to expanding to all the main international HUBS such as Singapore’s Changi International Airport and Thailand’s Suvarnabhumi International Airport. To the present day, they have supplied over 1,000 PAXWAY® units, not only in Southeast Asia, but also in Africa and South America, where their superior performances are recognized on a daily basis.
Through more than 40 years of experience and the cutting-edge technology to ensure safety and security, the “PAXWAY®” has been striving to make passengers smile as one passes through this tunnel to have a fulfilling air trip. Satisfying recent trends emphasizing terminal building appearances, presently ShinMaywa creating new PAXWAY® models with glass sides matching buildings.

Automated Docking System

Anti-Collision Function

User Friendly Control Panel

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Dhaka Office

Chattagram Office

  • 119, SK Mujib Road, Agrabad Chattagram
  • +8801777781346, +8802-333323482, +8802-333313230

Engr. A.K.M. Hossain Ali

Director, Business Development
Mobile: 01755554540

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